15 research outputs found

    Feasibility of Substitution of the Conventional Street Lighting Installation by the Photovoltaic Case Study on a Municipality in Agadir in Morocco

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    In this work, we present a technical and economic study of the solar powered street lighting system of a municipality in the south of Morocco. The state of the conventional street lighting system is first analyzed in a substation of street lighting. Then a sizing method is applied to the photovoltaic installation in the testing area. A financial study, by comparison between conventional and PV-based lighting, is carried out showing the feasibility of the PV street lighting

    Ultrasonic Evaluation of the Depth and the Diameter of the Rods of Reinforced Concrete

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    Abstract The work presented in this paper treat the durability of reinforced concrete structures, the experiments performed in the laboratory are carried to determine the depth and the diameter of rod coated by concrete. To study these structures we have developed a non-destructive technique based on ultrasonic signals backscattered from the samples analyzed. The experimental protocol of th is technique is adapted to evaluate the parameters measured. The determination of the group velocity of the wave backscattered by circumferential of cylindrical rods in iron coated with concrete, allows detecting the diameter and depth of these rods in the building structure

    Attenuation Measurement Method to Control Clay Slurries: Application of Dams Water

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    Profil étiologique des anémies dans un service de médecine interne

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    L'anémie constitue un problème majeur de la santé publique à travers le monde malgré l'amélioration remarquable des conditions de vie. Elle est classée par l'OMS comme l'un des dix problèmes les plus sérieux du monde. Notre objectif est de décrire les profils épidémiologique et étiologique des cas d'anémies prises en charge dans notre formation. Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective menée durant 5 ans, allant de Janvier 2011 à décembre 2015 et portant sur 150 patients. L'âge moyen de nos patients est de 48,8ans et les femmes sont les plus touchées avec un sex-ratio de 1,78. Le taux moyen de l'hémoglobine est de 8 g/dl avec des extrêmes allant de 3,4 à 11,4 g/dl. L'anémie ferriprive est le diagnostic étiologique dominant étant retrouvée dans 60% des cas, suivie par l'anémie mégaloblastique observée chez 21% des patients puis les anémies hémolytiques dans 7,33% des cas. La survenue d'une anémie chez l'adulte peut représenter un véritable défit diagnostique pour l'interniste et cela parfois dans un contexte d'urgence. Le recours à des examens spécialisés peut s'imposer

    Begining of fish defrosting by using non-destructive ultrasonic technique

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    International audienceDuring the experiments carried out in the laboratory on the monitoring and study of fish thawing by ultrasonic technique. We had difficulties in detecting the begining of the thawing which is the main criterion of fish quality control. To correct the problem we use the singular value decomposition (s.v.d.) method which is a mathematical tool.This allowed us to show by the ultrasonic technique the thawing start for cod which is a fish that had an average fat content. The results were good with a central frequency transducer equal to 500 kHz. However for salmon which is a fish that had a high content of fat; and for centrals frequencies transducers above 500 kHz the observed results were not very good

    Ultrasonic monitoring of fish thawing process optimal time of thawing and effect of freezing/thawing

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    International audienceOverseas fi sh is either directly treated on boats before being frozen or directly frozen, then treated in the factory after being unloaded. At the factory, the thawing of that fi sh is an essential step in its transformation and treatment; the quality of the texture is directly related to the quality of thawing. During this ABSTRACT Introduction. Fish quality is traditionally controlled by chemical and microbiological analysis. The non-destructive control presents an enormous professional interest thanks to the technical contribution and precision of the analysis to which it leads. This paper presents the results obtained from a characterisation of fi sh thawing process by the ultrasonic technique, with monitoring thermal processing from frozen to defrosted states. Material and methods. The study was carried out on fi sh type red drum and salmon cut into fi llets of 15 mm thickness. After being frozen at-20°C, the sample is enclosed in a plexiglas vessel with parallel walls at the ambient temperature 30°C and excited in perpendicular incidence at 0.5 MHz by an ultrasonic pulser-receiver Sofranel 5052PR. the technique of measurement consists to study the signals refl ected by fi sh during its thawing , the specifi c techniques of signal processing are implemented to deduce informations characterizing the state of fi sh and its thawing process by examining the evolution of the position echoes refl ected by the sample and the viscoelastic parameters of fi sh during its thawing. Results. The obtained results show a relationship between the thermal state of fi sh and its acoustic properties , which allowed to deduce the optimal time of the fi rst thawing in order to restrict the growth of microbial fl ora. For salmon, the results show a decrease of 36% of the time of the second thawing and an increase of 10.88% of the phase velocity, with a decrease of 65.5% of the peak-to-peak voltage of the signal refl ected, thus a decrease of the acoustic impedance. Conclusions. This study shows an optimal time and an evolution rate of thawing specifi c to each type of fi sh and a correlation between the acoustic behavior of fi sh and its thermal state which approves that this technique of ultrasonic monitoring can substitute the control using the destructive chemical analysis in order to monitor the thawing process and to know whether a fi sh has suffered an accidental thawing

    Ultrasonic monitoring of fish thawing process optimal time of thawing and effect of freezing/thawing

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    International audienceOverseas fi sh is either directly treated on boats before being frozen or directly frozen, then treated in the factory after being unloaded. At the factory, the thawing of that fi sh is an essential step in its transformation and treatment; the quality of the texture is directly related to the quality of thawing. During this ABSTRACT Introduction. Fish quality is traditionally controlled by chemical and microbiological analysis. The non-destructive control presents an enormous professional interest thanks to the technical contribution and precision of the analysis to which it leads. This paper presents the results obtained from a characterisation of fi sh thawing process by the ultrasonic technique, with monitoring thermal processing from frozen to defrosted states. Material and methods. The study was carried out on fi sh type red drum and salmon cut into fi llets of 15 mm thickness. After being frozen at-20°C, the sample is enclosed in a plexiglas vessel with parallel walls at the ambient temperature 30°C and excited in perpendicular incidence at 0.5 MHz by an ultrasonic pulser-receiver Sofranel 5052PR. the technique of measurement consists to study the signals refl ected by fi sh during its thawing , the specifi c techniques of signal processing are implemented to deduce informations characterizing the state of fi sh and its thawing process by examining the evolution of the position echoes refl ected by the sample and the viscoelastic parameters of fi sh during its thawing. Results. The obtained results show a relationship between the thermal state of fi sh and its acoustic properties , which allowed to deduce the optimal time of the fi rst thawing in order to restrict the growth of microbial fl ora. For salmon, the results show a decrease of 36% of the time of the second thawing and an increase of 10.88% of the phase velocity, with a decrease of 65.5% of the peak-to-peak voltage of the signal refl ected, thus a decrease of the acoustic impedance. Conclusions. This study shows an optimal time and an evolution rate of thawing specifi c to each type of fi sh and a correlation between the acoustic behavior of fi sh and its thermal state which approves that this technique of ultrasonic monitoring can substitute the control using the destructive chemical analysis in order to monitor the thawing process and to know whether a fi sh has suffered an accidental thawing

    Analysis of the acoustic signal backscattered by a multi-layer structure with the spectrogram and the wavelet time-frequency methods

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    National audienceThis study is to discuss the efficiency of two different methods, time-frequency representations and frequency spectral method, by comparing their ability to analyse experimentally received signals backscattered by two types of multilayer structures. We will present a study of the propagation of acoustic waves backscattered by two multilayer structures with a resonant plate "aluminum or glass" and a less resonant plate "plexiglas" separated by a water layer. The backscattering experiments have been performed in a water immersion tank. The wavelet transform and the spectrogram time-frequency representations are used in this work. The images obtained by these representations are compared to the frequency spectral method. The results obtained by the time-frequency analysis are interesting

    Traitement des amyloses AL systémiques: à propos de 25 cas

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    L'amylose AL systémique primitive est un désordre hématologique rare. La plupart des recommandations thérapeutiques sont basées sur des études de phase II ou des comparaisons rétrospectives et des séries de cas. Le but de cette étude était de décrire les cas d'amylose primitive AL et de faire une comparaison entre le protocole standard Melphlan-Dexamethasone et les nouveaux agents dans le traitement de première ligne de ces patients. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective, descriptive et multicentrique, portant sur l'ensemble des cas d'amyloses AL colligées durant une période s'étalant de juillet 2009 à juin 2016 au sein de 2 centres hospitaliers militaires. Vingt cinq patients ont été colligés dans notre série (12 traités par le Melphalan-Dexamethasone et 13 par des protocoles contenant au moins du Bortézomib ou du Lénalidomide). Il n'y avait pas de différence significative entre les 2 groupes en termes de caractéristiques épidémiologiques, cliniques ou pronostiques. Après un suivi médian de 40 mois, la survie globale médiane était de 54 mois dans le groupe melphalan-Dexamethasone et de 60 mois dans le groupe nouvelles thérapeutiques (P = 0,98). Concernant la survie sans progression, elle était de 18 mois pour le groupe traitement standard contre 11 mois pour le 2ème groupe (P = 0,08). Dans notre petite série nous n'avons pas trouvé une supériorité des nouvelles thérapeutiques par rapport au protocole classique. Ce résultat doit être confirmé par la réalisation d'une vraie étude prospective surtout en raison du coûtde ces nouvelles molécules qui ne sont pas toujours accessibles surtout dans les pays en voie de développement.Mots clés: Amylose AL, Melphan-Dexamethasone, nouveau traitementEnglish Title: Treatment of systemic AL amyloidosis: about 25 casesEnglish AbstractPrimarye systemic AL amyloidosis is a rare hematologic disorder. The majority of the therapeutic guidelines are based on phase II studies or on retrospective comparisons and case series. Our study aimed to describe all the cases of primary AL amyloidosis reported in 2 military hospitals and to make a comparison between standard melphalan-dexamethasone protocol and new agents in first-line treatment of patients with this disease. We conducted a retrospective, descriptive and multicentric study of all patients with AL amyloidosis whose data were collected during the period July 2009-June 2016. Twenty five patients were enrolled in the study (12 patients treated with melphalan-dexamethasone and 13 with bortezomib-based protocol or lenalidomide-based protocol). There was no significant difference in the epidemiological, clinical and prognostic features between the 2 groups. After a median follow up of 40 months, median overall survival was 54 months in the melphalan-dexamethasone-treated group and 60 months in the new therapies-treated group (P = 0.98). Progression-free survival was 18 months in the standard treatment group vs 11 months in the 2nd group (p = 0.08). In our small case series we haven’t found a superiority of the new therapies compared to the standard protocol. This result should be confirmed by a true prospective study, mainly because of the cost of these new molecules that are not always accessible, especially in developing countries.Keywords: AL amyloidosis, melphalan-dexamethasone, new treatmen

    Diachronic mapping and evaluation of soil erosion rates using RUSLE in the Bouregreg River Watershed, Morocco

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    Soil erosion has been severely affecting soil and water resources in semi-arid areas like the Mediterranean. In Morocco, this natural process is accelerated by anthropogenic activities, such as unsustainable soil management, overgrazing, and deforestation. With a drainage area of 395,600 ha, the Bouregreg River Watershed extends from the Middle Atlas Range (Jebel Mtourzgane) to the Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah (SMBA) dam reservoir south-east of Rabat. Its contrasted eco-geomorphological landscapes make it susceptible to unprecedented soil erosion due to climate change. Resulting changes in erosive dynamics led to huge amounts of solid loads transported to the catchment outlet and, thus, jeopardised the SMBA dam lifespan due to siltation. The research aims to quantify the average annual soil losses in this watershed using the Revised Universal Equation of Soil Losses (RUSLE) within a GIS environment. To highlight shifts in land use/land cover patterns and their effects on erosional severity, we have resorted to remote sensing through two Landsat 8 satellite images captured in 2004 and 2019. The C factor was combined with readily available local data regarding major erosion factors, e.g. rainfall aggressiveness (R), soil erodibility (K), topography (LS), and conservation practices (P). The helped to map the erosion hazard and determine erosion prone areas within the watershed where appropriate water and conservation measures are to be considered. Accordingly, from 2004 to 2019, average annual soil losses increased from 11.78 to 18.38 t∙ha-1∙y-1, as the watershed area affected by strong erosion (>30 t∙ha-1∙y-1) evolved from 13.57 to 39.39%